So, the long awaited Harry Potter film. How long have we waited for this film, I have been sitting at home twiddling my thumbs, reading the book over and over again just so that I know the story before seeing the film. Was it worth the wait? Definitely, and I can’t wait to see it again!
The film follows much the same story as the book. Harry Potter was left as a baby with his Uncle and Aunt and cousin, the Dursley’s. Harry was made to live under the stairs and was miserable until he found out that he was a wizard and was to attend Hogwarts school for witches and wizards. Harry finds out that he is famous, everyone knows him because ‘You Know Who’ killed his parents but couldn’t kill Harry. Harry has the famous lightening shaped scar on his forehead left from the encounter. The film follows Harry through the school year with Harry learning to ride his broomstick, playing quidditch and ends in the big adventure of getting past Fluffy (the three headed dog) to get the Philosophers stone (or Sorcerers stone in USA) from ‘You Know Who’.
This film had a lot to live up to. The story of Harry Potter is brilliant and to make a film, getting all of the characters right and staying with the story was probably a really hard job! The film also had to be cut down quite a bit, quite a bit was missing from the film that was in the book. They did choose all of the right bits to cut though and nothing vital was taken out. Personally I would have been quite happy to sit there for another hour but kids were also watching the film and I don’t know if they could manage it. It would be nice to have an extended version available!
So let’s start with the cast. Every single character in the film was cast brilliantly. Daniel Radcliffe was perfect as Harry Potter, just as I imagined him to be. Rupert Grint as Ron and Emma Watson as Hermione were also excellent but my favourite character has got to be Robbie Coltrane as Hagrid. Don’t you just want to hug him!! (and kiss him and keep him and call him George – but that’s another story). The film makers did an excellent job with Coltrane, he is brilliant, can’t think of a word to say against him and if anyone has you’ll have to get through me first!!! Another good cast was Alan Rickman who made a very good evil looking Severus Snape.
The special effects in the film are also outstanding. The quidditch game with everyone on their broomsticks was exceptional as was Fluffy!
Before seeing this film I recommend that you read the book so that you know what happens in the bits missed out. They are not vital to follow the story but I don’t think I would have enjoyed the film as much if I had not read the book first.
We went in a big group to the cinema to see Harry Potter and queued for two hours to get into the preview, it was definitely worth it. Not one of us left disappointed. I might even pay another £4.50 to see it again. It has been added to my ‘get when it’s available’ DVD list!