This purports to be the review of Harry Potters last and latest volume called Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.I bought the book at 11 am today and here I am at 2 pm writing its review.Its a pretty long book-607 pages and I have read it from cover to cover in this span of time.But to the book.Like the previous six Harry Potter books it is essentially meant for children though adults such as myself also find it engrossing.What makes this book released worldwide on 21st July, 2007 different?Well, the book probes into the mind of the modern seventeen year old.Harry is of that age but he has no family to speak of.
Though he is celebrated he often suspects that people are going out of their way for him because of his circumstances.He has this innate goodness that helps him look at situations more clearly than others.The book really works at two levels.It tries to identify with the aspirations of a would-be-adult.It also delves into the fairy-tale like world of magic, adventure and fantasy.At the centre of all this is Harry Potter who is very human, very heroic and thinks like worldly-wise person that he surely his.Harry Potter is part-detective, part wizard and part loverboy here.
The story.Harry bids goodbye to his Aunt and her family for thr last time.As he is about to escape froom Privet Drive with six other disguised Harrys he is ambushed by Voldemort and his deatheaters.One of the Weasaley brothers loses an ear in the attack.Dumbledore has left some heirlooms for Ron, Hermione and Harry regarding which the Magic Minister has questions.Meanwhile Rons elder brother Charles weds Fleur Delacoeur.All hell breaks loose at the wedding as Voldemort takes control of the ministry.
Threafter Harry is on the run looking for Horcruxes which contain bits of Voldemorts soul.Does Harry succeed?What on earth are the deathly hallows?Is Dumbledore to blame for everything?Who lives?To find out pick up your copy.