On a Sunday (today 25 Aug) just out of Harveys Kasba restaurant Kolkata for lunch with family: let me warn you all people who plan to go to this restaurant! One of the worst experiences of my life....we arrived at the hotel around 2.30 pm the ambiance was not very good but we still continued for our planned lunch out.
After waiting for 20 mins we were offered a 4-seater table. The initial kebab starter was not something great to mention but holy cow the surprise was still to come! We went for the buffet spread and took some fried rice and some mushroom chicken: after the 3rd or 4th spoon I felt something crunchy on my mouth- I took it out and TO MY SURPRISE IT WAS A FULL COCKROACH IN MY MOUTH!
It was the worst possible nightmare to have on a Sunday afternoon trying to have a quiet lunch out with my family. My son had the weirdest expression on his face when I showed him the insect and he walked out and my wife on seeing the insect wanted to throw up all the food taken until now.
I had no sensation and was feeling like immediately throwing up on the table- I called up therein the person in charge and demanded for their manager to be called up immediately. The manager was not around and someone offered me a feedback form which I filled up and quickly left the restaurant and wanted to forget this experience as fast as possible.
Was struggling to think what else we could have consumed in the rest of the food we had taken- maybe other insects dissolved in the food which was unseen by us. The thought left us with a shudder. To all the people out there BE WARNED before going onto this restaurant in future!!