When we see the first trailer of Hate Story, we think of an exciting, bold, electrifying story. Of Course, the erotica depicted in the trailer is anything but subtle.
So when I saw this movie, I actually expected a decent movie. ( I really did not have a reason to because Vivek Agnihotri isnt even a decent story- teller) Still, the trailer made me have slight hope.
However, that hope was gone within the first 20 minutes. More on that in a bit, first the synopsis. Kaavya is a young, modern journalist out to find the truth and the truth only. She pulls a sting operation on a corrupt businessman Sidhart Dhanrajgir. Impressed with her work, Dhanrajgir offers her a job. Kaavya instantly falls for Sidhart and sleeps with him. A delighted Kaavya is shattered when Sidhart fires her and kicks her out. Kaavya, pregnant with Sidharts child has a forced abortion done by Sidharts goons and is left ruined. Kaavyas only objective now is to get revenge and destroy Sidhart.
The story seems done to death but even an old story told in a new way can do wonders. ( Agneepath being a recent example of such brilliance) Where Hate Story lost me was in the first few reels. Why does Kaavya work for Siddhart if the post has nothing to do with her last job? Money? If so, then why is she shown as this moral and ethical journalist passionate about her job?
Why is she throwing all that away for extra cash? Second, how does she fall for Siddhart so fast? I mean, come on! She goes on a holiday with him and ends up sleeping with him right then? Isnt this the same moral journalist? Plus, why is she even interacting with Siddarth after proving that hes a corrupt money-hungry man? All those questions were thrown at me just in the initial reels. Not a good sign. The writing is poor, and takes the
audience for granted. Were not idiots. More flaws? Of Course.
The climax is surprising but seems like something weve seen numerous times. The film really doesnt score much on anything besides two things. The slick style of film making and the decent performances. Vikram Bhatts story is old fashioned and completely flawed. Too many loopholes. Some dialogue is decent, however.
The music doesnt offer much. Vivek Agnihotris direction is okay. Actually one of the better things in this flick. Its stylish. Paoli Dam makes a confident debut. Shes actually really good here. She looks good, of course, but theres also a dominant actress in her. Only if her character and script was better. Despite that, she carries this bad film on her shoulders. Gulshan Deviaha is also impressive. He looks awkward in the starting but pulls on his own.
Rest of the cast is good too.
Overall - A flawed film not worth watching even