I m using 512kbps -unlimited plan from last one and half year. This month when I have not used even 1GB, this a$sholes have suspended my connection.due to over usage as by their system.though I have not used at all., the day I renewed my act for the following three months.next day of renewal my pc broke down and it took 20days to fix it.now when I am using after 20days am getting a speed which is as worst as good for nothing.
When I cald to technical dept and asked whats wrong with my connection .the guy answered sir you have cross your unlimited plan so therefore we have suspended it means you can use but at lower speed sounds good but to remove a baby you need to first .RIGHT.! then he said you need to speak to our billing dept.now this people is like god .youll never get them online.if you spend your whole monthly income on their calling you wont get them online.and also the lady at lower parel office 022-66623333, had answered first time when I cald and later she never answered some time even had hung-up.later I cald after office hour the security guy answered whome I asked to get any one on line.inspite of this I had even sended mail to helpdesk.
Done mobile sms on 575759.i didnt hear anything from them no response.my act no-605078