I dont know how but they actually fake these speeds because earlier I had a 2 MBPS connection that played 8K video without any buffer.now I have 50 MBPS Hathway connection and video at just 480p buffers alot and I dont get any download speed.
I know browsing torrent websites is illegal in India but there are some websites like LINUX websites and even some other imp application websites which are legal all over the world and if I download an Open Source software with the help of torrent then its 100% legal but hathway blocks you totally from downloading from this website, leave torrent aside you cant even download from a download manager even if you paid for it the speed youll get is 1 KBPS, now you can compare what is the difference between 50 MBPS and 1 KBPS.
This hathway is totally playing with your money.