Hathway is out to dupe customers and they have serious plans to do so.
First thing when connection is gone, it takes at least 2 weeks to correct the problem. Sometimes it takes complete month as well, but bill is dispatched without fail and on time. And yes you are harassed to pay the bill on time eventhough your connection is dead.
Upon saying that my connection is dead the guy says thats technical department problem we are billing department. Just pay the bill and go to hell is the real message they want to give you.
Even billing department itself is great, they took 6 months to adjust my installation waiver which I was eligible for as a corporate offer.
Can you imagine paying for an ISP has to be done in a British Raj postal style cheques. Hathway despite being an ISP doesnt know anything about online payments. Come on now local hawkers are coming up with Credit Card machines.
Hathway is a true ISP of 19th century operating on a technology of 21st century.