When I moved into a new flat was confused which cable to take. There were host of options and all of them came with pros and cons. Then I met the local cable guy he told me about Hathway cable tv.
It is good. Pay just as much as you pay for normal analog tv you get some 150 odd digital channels.
You need pay some 1K for the box and nothing else. If you push the operator further he will even agree that he will take the box back in case you have to move to a place where Hathway is not available,
I paid him 800 for the box and 200 for the monthly rent. Behold! he gave me the connection in 2 hours time.
It has been 3 years now. The connection is ok.Though sometimes it does get stuck but it is fine. After 3 years the box broke down. But it was fixed with some 100 Rs charges.
Overall better then the other DTHs.