I have been a Hathway Broadband user since past 6 months and my experience with Hathway has indeed been wonderful. I am usingBlast 512 Plan under which I get 1GB download per month at 512 kbps AND free downloading from 11PM to 9AM everyday. The download speed which I get is about 55-60kbps sometimes I get even 70kbps.
In terms of connection reliability I found Hathway to be the best among my friends who have BSNL and TATA. Also my download speed is much higher than them though we have same 512kbps plans. Customer support is also very good and easily reacheable. Once I faced problem of connectivity due to heavy rains and my net got disconnected. Those guys repaired it in just one day. However I dont curese them for disconnectivity considering the intensity of rainfall.
Apart from this they have wide range of plans according to our needs unlike other ISPs and they are much cheaper than others.
So overall I would say, GO for Hathway without a second thought!