Before I took up the connection of hathway I didnt believe in superstitious beliefs the day I told my mom that I wanted to take up hathway connection a small black cat crossed my path. I just laughed away at superstitions!.guess what? noawadays I find that same cat sitting on top of boundary wall(i feel its laughing at me:() and now I am a devout believer in superstitions!.
(i want that place to be bombed so I m reporting to bush that osama is hiding in hathways offices around the country)
trust me dont take up hathway connections its worse:( instead take a 1 month stay at tihar jail should be much more worthwhile! I actually wanted to give negative for all the parameters above couldnt!
the package I took was 512 kbps but I actually I thought I had taken up a 20 kbps connection or even worse especially at nights when the speed would drop to very low the speed of download is sooooooooooooooooooooooo slow I actually found chemistry classes interesting and fast!.
the second thing their help line 42261313 when u dial and feel the number ringing u can be 100% sure that u have dialled a wrong number!. and if at all when u get it once in a blue or much worse orange moon they will tell u to restart the modem. then again restart the modem then again restart the modem .*n times.after which they tell some cable problem will be attended SHORTLY
and I was waiting for the net connection like devdas waiting for paaru(little did I know that in their language SHORTLY is some 7 odd dayz!by the time I got the connection I had one big beard(dhaadi)!)
so guyz read the warning above and below and take up a decision if inspite of all these warning u still want to take up hathway connection please consult a psychologist(kyonki dimaag karaab hoga aapka!)
statutory warning:
hathway internet is one of worlds worst network to be in! drainage network is much much better.hathway is injurious to health can drive people crazy and will end up in mental hospitals.this network is suitable only for people who are nuts crazy crack.