Hathway, they are the cheaters. I have taken 1 mbps unlimited plan, and I came to know that they have kept a limit of 5GB to provide good speed that they say, as per their plan if you have not crossed the limit of 5GB then you will get 1mbps speed, actually you get around 100 kbps speed till you download data till 5 GB. After you download 5 GB data they downgrade your connection and as per their plan you get 128 kbps speed, actually you get around 20 kbps speed. This is bloody cheating. Nowhere on their site they have motioned about this.
Most ridiculous thing is they say 1 mpbs plan and actually you get 100 kbps download speed. With 1 mbps plan you cannot even watch a video on Youtube continuously, it stops so many times in between. So think before you take Hathway connection.