I took Hathway internet connection on 30th Dec 2006. I have paid cheque of 1684 Rs on 25th Dec 2006 and on 30th modem is installed and wiring is done. But internet connection not started. The engineer who has done the Modem installation told me that by tomorrow i.e. 31st Dec 2006, internet will start.But todays date is 9th Jan, till this date my internet connection has not started.
From 3rd Jan, each day I call Hathway Helpline, and each time their executive(sorry senior executive ...in Hathway Helpline all are seniors ...(nobody is junior :)) told me diff reasons like your modem is not registered, cable wire has snatched in ur area, billing problem etc ...!Each executive is sure that by tomorrow (which tomorrow I dont know) problem will be solved.My scheme is of 1684 Rs for 6 months and 1 GB download.I think my 6 months will go in waiting for internet connection and after that they will tell me that "Now you will have to pay another 1684 for next 6 months ...."!
f you want to access internet ...go to cyber cafe but Hathway never ...never...never....!At first time when I took connection , they come so fast and took the cheque but after that no body is ready in looking into the problem. Its really a sh*t...!I will never recommend Hathway.The executives dont know how the complaint is processed. Each time they give me some different reason.Lets see after how many days I am able to browse at least a single page.I asked him the procedure for Disconnection , he told me to mail ...I asked him "if internet connection is not there How I can mail you?" :)