I have been using Hathway broadband from the past 3 months; I was kind-off happy with the connectivity as it seldom drops. You will have adequate speed for surfing and carrying out some mediocre activities on-line.
Word of caution - Dont rely on the internet speeds that they quote. You will never get it.
Trouble started a week back when I tried renewing the plan.
First of all the available plans were changed; Plans available for Pune is enlisted below. Refer to the link below:
Now the website quotes 1799 Rs for a 3month subscription which is the base plan - I paid this amount online 2 days back. I get a call late evening yesterday stating I need to shell out 784 Rs more for the modem and taxes.Transparency goes into the dumps.
It doesnt end over here. I was given to understand that there wont be any disruption to the services till the time new modem is installed. "I HAD HIGH HOPES FROM HATHWAY - MY BAD" late night yesterday I lost my connection.
Tech support was not able to give me a concrete answer. I ended asking them if they change the MAC ID for the modem being configured on their side(Courtesy - My technical expertise & experience with networks helps me understand such things). He acknowledged. now we have a root cause for the loss of connectivity . and I am left with no connection at home. hampering my work. KUDOS. Way to go Hathway
I got in touch with the billing team - O-BOY what a waste of time. writing to them, talking to them . leads no where.
-Dont rely on the tech support.
-Billing/Shruthisharma & Support - really dont know their stuff.(I wont blame them as they need support in the form of trainings and fine print)
-Never have faith on the fine print that has been made available online.
-MAnasultangement - Bunch of Greviencces not sure what they are upto; no control over the team what-so-ever.
CHOICE IS YOURS, while I continue my battle.
Continuing from where I left - Ahem - > start reading from below where I have demarcated with dotted lines
Had the modem installed after agonising follow-up lasted almost 8 days; I was without internet during this period though I was promised the transition would be smooth and there will be no interruption in service.
Plans made available in Pune city was changed - & I had to aishwaryasingh23 for the new modem as well . reason given the old modem wont support the 50mbps speed that they are offering. Bshit . you would never get those speeds in INDIA.
I am not sure why the heck did they change the modem in the first place - The new one is from Thomson. Chinese make . well most of the stuff that we use is made in china so cant complaint about that- never heard of this company though. and yeah we do have hathway logo on it. at-least they got that right this time . quality and build of this modem is reallyyyyy crappy.
The one which I had earlier was MOTOROLA - Surfboard . it was really good and never gave me any trouble .
Got the modem configured but I just cant get my router to work with it(Dlink 600L cloud). called the tech support thrice in a span of 3 hours . another joke. I was advised they have static IP and then got in touch with another tech who says its dynamic. its been going in circles and I am stuck with a lan cord attached to this laptop
My work needs me to have 3 systems up, working & connected to the internet @ the same time . but am stuck with a wired connection . I am @ my wits end. trying to maintain decorum as I write this review .
They promised they will send someone in person late evening. which I knew will never happen. may be tomorrow I will have someone - HOPEFULLY . and I am sure he is wont be in a position to help me . he will just say router is damaged . and am prepared for that. will hand over an alternate router and ask him/her to get that working .
I did check with the phone support - they assured router is compatible which very soon would be denied .
And yeah every time I unplug the lan cord and connect to the laptop RJ port I need to restart the modem. Technology at its best aint it?
I have three tickets pending with the billing team. no response. What a wonderful month its been.
I dont see any way I can interact with the mAnasultangement - Ladies/gents if you find some contact do write back on this review and I will fire somethings up .
" - Hathway I was so happy with the old setup that you had offered. why the hell did you people initiate this change
- Date 4/30/2014 - continuation of the earlier review
Tug of war continues with the hathway support team; No this time its not the technical support but with billing
First of all there is no transparency, you will never make head and tail of the renewal amounts being quoted.
Secondly its been 5 days I have been chasing them for the soft copy of the bill. Receipt which was sent to my email address on renewing was completely blank. Have spoken to 9 technicians and every time its a standard statement that one receives
//Sir within 4 hours you will have the soft-copy//
and it never happens . driving me to my wits end
I got off the hook from phone support 5 minutes back and as per them they have sent it to my email address as on 11:06am today i.e 30 April 2014. I reconfirmed my email address . checked junked folder . FOUND NOTHING .
May be NSA intercepted the email - sigh
Date 6/16/2015 - continuation of the earlier review
Folks hope you had the patience of reading my feedback on hathway. This would be last feed on this subject as I discontinued their service a month back.
How difficult it should be to discontinue a service? Easy aint it? Please stick around and read through.!
I called up the support center and expressed my desire to discontinue the service all details were taken and hopefully recorded. I was changing my base; shifting to a new address. I did inquire with them if they provide service at the new location and the answer was yes but this time I was smart enough to do the ground work I knew they dont provide service in the area where I was shifting. Any-who its a small thing. asked them to take away the modem but they never came, to my surprise end of month I get a bill. I call them up again inquiring on the same, the team had no clue and kept saying I have to aishwaryasingh23 - Bulls to it I am not santoshkr80 aishwaryasingh23.
A day later I get a call{threatening} they need the modem back, ask them to collect it from me and I get a standard response I will have to go to their office and submit. & why should I do that? Since they dont provide service in my locality it my prerogative to go to their office and submit it. bulls again - am not santoshkr80 do that.
This month I again receive a usage bill, frankly dont know what to do.
I am not santoshkr80 call them back .!:)
So my association with hathway in Pune ends here and I embark a new journey opted for tata wired broadband - Right from day one no complaints though tariffs are on the higher side . but can live with it
Thank you for taking time to read through. if you have any questions for me do drop an email or comment and I will be more than happy to reply back. cheers