I have Hathway broadband connection in Hyderabad. Last month on 18th dec I got renewed my connection for 3 months. From 19th Jan I
am not able to connect to internet, on calling to customer care I was told about some server problem, Initially they assured
that it will get resolved in 1-2 day. Now every time customer care people say it will get resolved in next 4 hours. But till
now I dint get my connection up and running. I had made atleast 20 calls. Making each call is itself a huge effort it takes
atleast 30 mins to get connected as most of the time Number is busy, and once connected I had give same details again and
Its difficult to understand what type of Customer care service do they provide.
Every time Customer care people give false assurance. It seems nobody is bothered about customers problem. And because of
these false assurances I was not able to proceed further with my tasks for which I was totally dependent on Internet. Because
of their unprofessional behaviour I was totally frustrated
At last conclusion is
1> I have been cheated by Hathway people, they took money in advance for the service, which they are no more providing me.
2> They are mentally harassing me by giving me false assurances.
3> I am loosing my work because of Hathway, and these people are not serious about others time as well as work.
4> They dont have ethic values at all.