When I was in Mohali phase-7 I opted out for this Hathway connection for unlimited pack of 384kbps. I understand that it is unlimited but that does not mean that after completely using the 10 GB you made it to us you give internet speed that wont even load a single page.
When I was in Mohali about 4 years before they used to give their service for 500 INR. I had no complaints forst 2 months their service was just so much good that I thought I should pay them in advance for the next year as well. The Dirty cunning lizzard changed itd colours.
The net speed dropped suddenly and that I should wait for 2 days for the problem to be sorted out. it was already a week of waiting and then I finally called them. First of all they wont pick up your phone ever at time after calling them for 5 hours they used to pick their bloody damn phone. when I registered the complaint I was told that the my package had 10GB of initial Data and after that your speed would be decreased. Thats fine but I cant even load the simple Google page for basic surfing.
After this their modem caught some flu or their modem got a defect on its own then after complaining them for 5 months I got my modem replaced. They were firstly asking for money to replace the modem but after heavy arguement they made it for free. but whats the use I already left the home and shifted to Kharar after 2 months of further use.
Dont go for their service. very Very BAd