Hello guys today Im going to share my review about this product which is broadband by this Hathway company, worst product, this company takes so much time for verification and for providing the connection of it, and starting the data plan of ur choice, take some much time only in the installation process only, now lets talk about its network connectivity and signal quality, this Hathway broadband has very low quality network signal, alternating, sometimes high sometimes it becomes low, no balance in the network, low network everytime, not atleast 1mbps speed it has, this device take so much time in only connectivity with the device lets say its mobile, laptop, and device, so much problems this device has, lets talk about its technical problems, as broadband used to recieve and amplify and transmitting the signals, if the frequency of it is low and amplification too, then due to which signal interruption can occur due to which low signals, this device contains low quality components, I suggets you dont go for this product as its not upto the mark, go for connect broadband or BSNL broadband, they are the best