So, you want to get a pet, do you? What sort of pet are you looking to get? Well, I think this all depends on where you live! For instance, if you like in a block of flats, it may be worth considering getting a bird, hamster or gerbil! I mean, if you had a dog, for example, it may not be a good idea to get a dog as this would need walking 3 or 4 times a day!
But, if you live on the ground floor and you have a garden, then getting a dog or a cat would be better. But, even getting a dog would need careful consideration. Many people get dogs for their children for Christmas or for their birthday. They dont think carefully before getting one. They then realise that the dog is more work than what they thought. At the beginning of every year, dog homes get really busy with unwanted dogs because the people couldnt cope with their new addition! Its very sad, but it happens.
I had my last dog for 12 years before she died. She was a Labrador. I now have a Jack Russell, Ollie, who is 1 year old. Hes very different from my last dog. Hes a very lively little dog and likes to play a lot. But I wouldnt be without him. He may be a very energetic dog, but hes got a lovely personality and loves people.
There are pros and cons about having a dog. Ill go through the pros with you first, just so you know what youre letting yourself in for!
1) Take into consideration with vet bills. What if your dog/cat gets ill? You will need to take them to see the Vet. Im not sure about India, but England vets are very expensive! Think about this.
2) You cant just take a holiday when you want. If you want to go on holiday anywhere, you will have to consider either taking your pet with you or getting someone to look after it. Pets can stop you doing things.
3) Are you working long hours? If you are, would it be fair to have a pet? Its not fair on the pet to be on its own all day long. Dont forget they need walking. They need food and water throughout the day as well.
4) Is the dog neutered? Do you want your dog(if female!) to have puppies, or(if male!) to get another dog pregnant?! This you will need to think of, ya know!
1) They make good friends! Dogs, I find especially, make really good friends. They are loyal, trusting, loving, and they will be your best friend throughout their entire life. If you are good to them, they will be good to you!
2) They dont complain. Whatever mood you are in, they will still love you. They will forgive you easily. If youre in a bad mood and shouting, they will still come and lick you.
3) You will get more exercise. If you have a dog, you will find yourself getting more exercise as the dog will need walking. I walk Ollie 3 or 4 times a day, and am now walking a LOT more than what I used to - even in the rain!
4) Youll make new friends. I have made new friends as I regularly meet fellow dog walkers and we stop and chat. Its a great way of dogs associating with each other and watching them play!
5) Pets are good company. If you live on your own, then a dog/cat is really good company. At least you wont feel completely alone.
Do pay careful consideration when getting a pet, as they are hard work. But the hard work has lots of rewards. Dont forget they will need feeding, loving, walking, attention, vets bills, everything!
But most of all - enjoy your pet and have fun!