HBJ Capital is an Investment advisory firm. It is also a Company of frauds. They do not have any skilled people with good knowledge of the market. Instead they have people with the gift of the gab.
They employ a lot of women who speak softly and nicely to you. There main purpose is to take away your hard earned money and then dump you. They will promise sky high returns. They will ask you for a small amount first. Then they will ask you for more. "We have connections within NSE" We pay them and they give us tips in advance - They will say. When big deals are struck, we know in advance. We will tell you. You can make crores.
And so on. They will throw one good call your way. Then no one will call you or pick up the phone. Puff ! Just like that the employees disappear. They all have North Indian names which they conveniently change.
Please do not get misled by them. They are crooks. One name in particular - Nitesh Singh Chauhan is a 420. Leave him alone. Once you are in their trap they will bleed you to death.
S G Thampi