HBO, simply the best
The above lines summarise all that can be said about HBO.Its just wonderful.For us , Indians , fed up with the stale stuff served out by STAR MOVIES , HBO was truly a feast for our eyes.New movies all the time , Convenient repeat telecasts and the best of all a variety of movies unlike Star Movies which I suppose is a bit too indianised.
HBO has entertaintment for the horror buffs, the action fans, heart moving romantic movies , sci-fiction. comedy and what not? Armed with Hollywood at its best , HBO has stormed into our households.You must have noticed, what HBO stops playing , Star movies starts telecasting
The repeat telecasts are just too many.At times , Ive seen that everytime I tune in , I find the same movie playing.This can be irritating at times.Also, Id prefer more of the old classics.ALas , we cant get to keep all the good stuffBut if I had only one entertaintment channel to choose , It would be HBO, Simply the best