When you have no hope to live anymore in this world. when all you need is some salary or resting stop for 1-2 years. then you can join HCL infosystems.
This company was destroyed a few years ago. HCL stopped producing computer goods. This not only destroyed HCL Technologies(its appraisals from last 2 years have been almost zero for most employees). but also HCL Infosystems.
Most employees left this company. Then it started sending its employees as outsourced employees. Seeing that the rest of them also left. To survive somewhat. Infosystems hired 3rd party employees and projects.
Now from 2015, Infosystems revived somewhat. so it started hiring permanent employees. but its mentality has remained just like previous era. On top of it, the working conditions are poorer than before.
- Theres no job security. Every week there are policies that have to be followed and manager meetings where your weekly work is discussed. If you have X no. of tasks. and you did all of them. you will come under firing bracket. If you have X no. of tasks and you were not able to do any task(even if due to other external reasons) you will be fired. so you have to do some work. and leave some work.
Ive never seen such weekly basis scanning of employees work anywhere in any company. Every week managers demotivate employees that the domain will shut down and they will be out of work.
You cannot join HCL Tech once you come here. So those who think that Infosystems will be a stepping stone then forget it.
Theyve hired 3rd party employees. This is like lion getting a taste of blood. Since they can hire n fire 3rd party employees haphazardly. they treat permanent employees like that as well. They refuse to remove all 3rd party employees. and they also refuse to stop hiring permanent employees.
3rd party employees are given targets which they have to achieve or else they will be fired. Which means they get more work than you. so your learning becomes zero. Eventually if they dont get any work they will be fired. and if you dont get any work you will be fired. So there are fights in teams.
There is no work. But there is lot of pressure. Bullcrap assignments are given by higher management that makes no sense or are tediously boring. The work never stops. If they ask you to make a house. they keep asking for more n more till that house becomes Taj Mahal. then they say that even that isnt correct.
Actual work begins after office closing times. Most managers/employees/users keep sleeping all day. They dont reply to mails.
Once 6 pm comes, they all come to your desk with inputs/outputs. Manager comes on your seat todiscuss.
This discussion couldnt happen between 8 to 6. It has to happen after 6.
- Just like most HCL Tech employees lives are screwed. here its worse. There are no appraisals or designation change.