Hi m rahul saini, ma bro recently bought hcl leaptop n m truly sayin dis z best thin I hav seen since last few month. man it z heavy but itz weight ratio z damm good n touch pad works effectively I hav used othr laptop but I was not satisfyin with them. main attractive thing 4 me z dat itz screen can be fold approx. 190degree which mean I can work while in sleepin position by puttin it on my lap. man dis feature give me immense leisure .
By dis position I can go on loong tym on it without any disturbance. man I dont know about customer services cuz by now we(me n my bro) didnt face any prblm.i would recommend u check weight ratio, screen ratio, adaptor, keypad (must be custom), touch pad b4 buying any laptop. by now 4 me dis z best buy dat we hav made.