I have read quiet a few reviews on HCL which are partly or totally agreeable but have to accept the fact that it is A VALUE FOR MONEY product rather just a fancy and inflated. Highly priced notebook..also the config that hcl gives is available at more than 70k I have a core 2 due 1 gb ram one which I bought for 40k no other com was offering it below 65k.
Yes it is very true that it lack in factors like internal speakers and graphics also the scroll pad is a bit rigid The battery life is only 1 1/2 hr..while dell and viao goes on for almost 2+ ..my sister has a dell but thats a us version I dont know that they ship the same battrey to India..
If you are looking for value for money rather only looks and fancy and can sacrifice on some aspects such as sound which can be compensated by external or headphones...HCL is the laptop. Leaptop as it is said in HCL.
Thank You