Sub: Complaint of my Note Book.
This is to inform you that, I have purchased my Laptop from M/s. Damsons Technologies. Ahmedabad. On 03/06/09.HCL Make Notebook Product Code:AXOK2804.And Sr. No:A074AX166778.
After that my notebook had a Display problem on 13/09/08. and reported to their A’bad service Station against their service Report No:Nil on Dated:13/09/08.The Problem Reported : Display Problem and Action Taken: Replace P.C.B. On 08/10/08.And
they have returned my Notebook on 08/10/08. After replacing the P.C.B. which is mentioned in their call sheet.(All most one month they kept my note book with them)
The same problem accrued on 14/10/08 Problem Reported against their Job Card No:2459.on dated :14/10/08 at Ahmedabad Service Station. Problem Reported: Dim Display. And Action Taken: F 1 invertors need to be replaced. After doing the necessary they have returned my notebook on 14/10/08.
The same problem accrued on 25/10/08.Reported against Job Card No:2449. On Dated:25/10/08.Reported at Baroda Service Station. Problem Reported: Dim Display Problem & Activation Problem. Action Taken :FL invertors Replaced. Microsoft Online Activation Completed.
Again I am facing the same problem of Dim display and I have reported at their wecare4u@hcl.in on dated: 03/03/09.and There is no response after that, again I have visited to their A ‘bad Service Station and They are refusing and they are not considering the my case.
I am afraid and very much disappointed with this kind of product and I made mistake & repainting by purchasing the HCL product.
All the Service report are available with me for the references.
Mob:-097277 16450.