Bought a HCL T39 after much delibration for 45k, there were better looking laptops from HP and DELL and also sale offers from Thinkpad for 50k. Yes the Tinkpads cant be compared to this, that is way beyond HCL. And still...
The best horse for its price, I would say.My purchase was based on hard facts, none of the manufacturers make their own boards anymore, price to perfaomance matters, looks are secondary, after sales support.Forgetting the brand HCL won Hands down, now with Windows7 and Ubuntu in my LAP the performance is tremendous, ive got a windows performance benchmark of 5.1 and thanks to the P77350 processor a backup of more than 3hours...
And its 8months since my purchace. Not a single issue.People if you are out there looking for a lap, check the perfomance, go to system in control panel of vista or Windows7 and the windows benchmark will be there, any lap without a graphics card will not give you more than 4.5.Except toshiba coz they have a P series processor too