So hello guys I am Vaibhav and today I will give you review on my game is HCL ME so as far as my usage it was not a good experience for me I was disappointed by that game so this game not provide us a good battery backup which is biggest issue the battery backup of this game is approx one to one and half hour so it is not proper battery backup for us if we want to travel anywhere so we don't carry this device with us and second biggest issue which I had seen in this device is the games in this device to odd and common which is seen by me so they have to do something good because the price of this device is too high 1999 so it was a good price today have to give us proper battery backup as well as the game provide by the game maybe good such as 2K 14 and GTA Vice City so that's all I was disappointed with it if you want to buy a PSP you may go through another device is suggest sony device is because I have used Sewing device also they are good in feature and battery backup also because this device is not support the good amount of game which are all want to play so that's all whatever you want to ask from me kindly comment your problem the comment box I will try to give you answer