I bought this tab in march 2014 from the snapdeal.com I want to tell you that its a very bad tab I had ever use. HCL one of the famous name in computer and laptop industry but its worst brand for tablet.
I have use this tab almost 7 to 8 month but my experience had never good with this tab.
intenal space is very bad its just 4 GB internal memory almost 2 GB for pre installed app and 2 GB for costumer uses. but the bad fact is you can install the app in your memory card memory. there is no option to select the download or save in your card.
no option to save file directly in memory card. if your internal space going full than you have to cut the data and than you have to paste in your memory card.
camera is so bad you cant click the nice pic with good resolution. Front camera is just fine but not effective for pic or for video calling.
touch is problematic hanging problem is so much with this tab.
service center is also very unfriendly and make you fool. my charge was not working os I go there they said its burn. its not in warranty polity. really so much irritating and very bad support for costumer.
body color shading in just 2 months and that is also not in warranty.
so its my highly no for boy the HCL tab because if one time you did bought after that warranty is just policy to make fool costumers.