I took an NRE Home Loan of 24.5 lakhs fm hdfc, whose paperwork I beleive is faster than other public sector funds.However I am having quite a few complaints against it, namely
a)There is no online/net customer support.I had request of certain of my papers to be returned.However it took almost 1.5 month of continous calling, e-mails, messages.Finally I had to raise my voice to make them listen.They have system of writing complaints on their web site.
(a)There is no acknowledgement of complaint.Hence no generation of complaint number.If no acknowledgement, then any no. of mail you write you cant blame them as there is no record.No e-mail address is given on their website.Hence you cant send fm e-id.In conclusion no acknowlegement hence no accountability.
2)I wanted 24.5 lakhs of loan.But HDFC office wanted and persuaded me to get sanction of full 85% of flat value, which is about 26 lakhs.I have taken 24.5 lakhs of loan.Now
I went to thier office recently to ask why I am being charged 10% ROI when HDFC is saying it charges only 9% on paper/tv.They said you have to change their spread.My loan is PLR - 3.75%.Now they are offering loans at PLR - 4.25/4.75%.To change to new spread they charge you have to pay them again 0.5%/1.5% of your total loan amount, plus taxes.Very smart, why-
a)In one move they have penalised old customers by not changing their spread automatically and trying to catch new customers by changing spread.I thought spread doesnt change, PLR changes as per broad economy condtion.
b)By putting penalty on changing spread they are asking you to pay
almost the amount you are going to benefit by reduced interest rates.
c)They calculate this penaly on 0.5%/1.5% of your total sanctioned amount.Should it not be on balance principal.Infact I have to pay not on taken loan amount but rather sanctioned.Result to reduce rate to deserved 9%, I have to pay about Rs 40K and my EMI increases also i.e.i am paying about rs 55, 400/mon now.After paying abt rs 40K, I have to pay extra couple of hundred rs extra also per month in EMI(abt rs 55, 700)!what a rationale!what a calculation method.Loss par loss.What logic.Then they say customer is always right and always at loss!
Suman Singh