I have started an account with HDFC Jayanagar 4rth T block and that time onwards I have applied for HDFC credit card. All these through an executive his name is "Narendra Kumar".
He promised me credit card within 2 weeks . Iam working with a small startup near jayanagar(only 4 members are there) . These are the document they asked mainly
1.ID proof PAN card
2.Offer Letter, 3 months salary slips
3.Bank statements
4.Address proof
5.Company ID card
unfortunately I dont have company ID card so I got a letter from(in company letter pad with signature and all) CEO saying that "this is regarding the issue of credit card of this person and etc.etc." .
Initially they have agreed all these documents and then next week he said I need company ID card and at least make sure you are customer for 1 month(iam basically form kerala settled here since 2012 so he said I need local address as Bank statement and I dont have any other local address proof apart from residential agreement) then he can tell to credit card team and they will offer credit card once I complete 1 month with HDFC .
So I agree to him I said "OK, I will wait for 1 month". After that due to some personal issues I couldnt keep my minimum monthly balance RS.10, 000. Then I got call from this guy saying that "Naveen please put some money in your account its urgent to keep your minimum balance in first 2 months after that nobody call you and tell you to keep balance only first 2 months" that time I was in kerala and I said once I reach in bangalore I will deposite the money in bank.
Again I got call from him on February in between 20 to 23rd to keep balance Rs 21000. Then I asked "Why should I keep 21000? minimum balance is 10000? ryt? " His reply was "Naveen last time your account balance was very low and now you need to keep 21000 and you can withdraw money on march 1st .Also give him a bank statement for credit card". I said "OK, Fine" . Then I got salary on my PNB account and I put 25000 out of 30k(PNB balance) to HDFC and called Narendra " Hey narendra, I have connected my new hdfc account for salary but this time it directly went to PNB next time onwards they wil transfer to HDFC but anyway am depositing 25k to HDFC to keep my new balance 46K+ rupees."
He said "no problem " its fine and I asked him " is there anything pending from my side to get HDFC credit card" then he said "No from your said all documents are correct just give me some time I will contact with SANJAY(his friend in credit card department) and he will call naveen".
Then after one day I got call from SANJAY credit card department he said "HI, you have one credit card offer and we will process soon. this call is for verification "
Then I was happy like am going to get this finally .but after one 3-4 days no response from Narendra.
Finally today morning he replied to my call like "Naveen, we cannot process your credit card now.the reason is you didnt transfer salary account into HDFC"
Then I said "Hello, you didnt mention this before and I called you and told that am going to transfer my salary account in to HDFC so its not a reason. But before that only you promised and forced me to deposit money for credit card".
I shouted against him for wasting my entire 1+ month and finally I send mail to Maanish Jain sir .
Iam attaching screen shot of mail copy and he called me afternoon saying all procedure for getting credit card.
One of your executive cheated me and wasted my entire time even I did whatever he asked me to do.then still he cheated me so am going to file a law suit against him either for compensation(Iam a software engineer working for startups from many countries including UK, Germany, France, Romania, Colombia etcc) am spending more than 20Hrs per day fo rmy career and because of all these stupid idiot executive and his ignorance I lost my for so many days and I couldnt concentrate on my project or anything.
Iam also struggling to run my own startup and in between all I kept time to give inputs to him .
Becoz I need that credit card so many startup related purpose.
Now everything is waste.
Either somebody have to FIRE him or I need my compensation . Iam ready move legally against him( cheating me, loss of my personal projects, time and insulting me).
Now am planning to report this issue to Banking ombudsman.