One hears often of the abominable methods of banking as adopted these days where aggressive marketing is deployed to woo in customers and then fangs are exposed after the deed is done.Centurion bank takes the cake . A cousin of mine who is in India lamented over the appalling behaviour of the bank. Apparently her husband had taken a housing loan from them . As is the norm, ECS cheques had been handed over. Which entails that automatically the EMI id deducted from the account.
Last month she received a rude, brusque, harsh call from the Bank saying that four months of instalment has not been received. Since that was not possible she explained clearly. After much harrowing and insistence the manager of the Mumbai branch accepted that the Banks ECS system was not functioning therefore the problem had arisen.
She promised to do all she can after she gets the required information from her bank that indeed the ECS cheques had not been cleared. In the meanwhile a certain Anil from the recovery agent deptt called and began threatening in the manner reserved perhaps by goons for defaulters. Nothing short of the underworld lingo in choice of words and tone. .Its been a harrowing experience, because their system is faulty. Courtesy is an unknown concept to this is judicious professional administration.
Imagine resorting to goonda- ism because your bank has defaulted..and the customer has not! Recently another friend reported that she had to pay a draft charge of RS.450 to Delhi for a draft of the same amount!!! I am told the other banks charge Rs. 50 or so for a draft. Just what is this bank up to? I have read the other reviews stinks of unprofessionalism, heavy handedness, exploitation and cheating.Quite pathetic..a clear warning for others to think twice before entering into a long term relationship with them.