If you take HDFC Bank Credit Card then be warned! They dont send you Credit Card statements regularly. You will miss the payment date by couple of days and despite your good usage and payment history they will charge you like hell. They will never miss a single chance. If you dont pay then they will go adding charges. If you want to cancel the card they will NOT. They will freeze your funds in your savings account (if you have any with them)! Even if you try to tell them the facts they will not listen to you. They will make you feel like begger. DONT EVER GO FOR HDFC BANK. If you want to get looted then GOD HELP YOU!
Dont go for their personal loans. They cheat on interest rates.
Dont go for their Internet banking, they will charge you for every online payment.
They have very less ATMs. ATMs are mostly out of cash.
Their bank timings are very less. They dont give good service. You are the least important thing in the bank.