It all happened for me, to have an account opened with HDFC in the year 2001, through my company. At that time I didnt even have any SB account with nationalized banks. But, I know all the process that are prevalent with the Nationalized Banking Sector, as my parents hold account with these guys.
During the initial stages, there were comparitively less ATMs [When compared to ICICI Bank]. In other words we shouldnt forget both these banks, who had created revolution with SB account holders in a short period. One shouldnt forget CitiBank who was also a part, but lost in the race in due course.
I have never visited my Branch for many years. What I use is the ATM, be it be Cash Deposit, Cheque Deposit, Getting Money etc., Even I had many a doubts in the Cash Deposit and Cheque Deposit facility that are being offered at ATMs. Whether the amount mentioned will be credited or not. so and and so forth. But, invariably always if we are right the amount credited is also right. Unlike the Nationalized Banking Sector account holders including my parents who stand in a lengthy line to get their token for any transactions, then to wait till their token number is called. I felt like I have wings, which can take me directly towards my need. But offlate I must confess, that during the month beginning and densely populted areas, even HDFC bank account holders have to wait in queue for any transactions at ATM.
Now coming to the Customer Service, these guys are exceptional, they are all ears for you to speak on your problems/queries. Whether all your issues would be addressed or not is with the Branch and Legal/Statuatory guidelines of HDFC bank. Till date I have never been charged a single rupee, as even I havent done any wrong or penalty inviting transactions. Its simple HDFC bank behaves well with me so am I behaving with the bank. It takes care of my need and I am continously going for investment options with HDFC. Moreover, the HDFC Bank has got something called Classic Customer Programme, if you are entitled for this programme, you will be allotted a special agent in your Branch who will look into your needs. Recently I have opened another account for my Wife in the same branch where I had account. [This is the first time I visited my Branch]. I had asked for all the facilities, which I had should be available for my Wifes account too. Which has been immediately sanctioned by the Branch Manager and with less AQB [Annual Quarterly Balance] even my wife can enjoy whatever I am enjoying. Like any Visa ATM usage, No charges for Outstation Cheques, Free DD* Home banking* etc.,
Astonishingly there was a recent visit to my home by my personal banker to know my family more. But, let me tell the truth, that there is some investment intention behind the Personal Bankers visit. But still I had a option of knowing few financial products.
Till now I have given enough positive side of HDFC. But now, its time for something which is seriously missing from HDFC bank. Netbanking Safety. These guys ask the customer to fill a form to get their Netbanking Fund Transfering part enabled. But, once if it has been enabled. With all the current possibility of your ID and Password being tapped. Anyone can easily transfer money to their account, without any hiccups. Whereas for example, ICICI has got far more better security in this area.
They have initial User ID, Password protection
Then new account transfer should be authenticated
Transaction Password protection
Then your debit card information is randomly seeked before transfer is complete.
If HDFC Bank can give a more robust and security enhanced Netbanking, then there are chances that it comes and sustains the Premier Banking Store of India.