Realy good bank but there is a good service charge for banking service. Any one can give you good service with your payment charge. HDFC is a world class bank in India but it is not a common people bank. Minimum balance limit 1000 and 25000 for every person so how can it be common people bank.
Yes some things that are very good it that bank that is.
Good customer care service that we needed all time.
Good office and good customer relation.
Net banking is very good with many app service like chillar app.
Phone banking and other service that we want.
But some things that I want to mention for every one.
Service charge is too high that other Bank.
Minimum balance limit is very high for common people.
Credit card Debit Card charge also high than other.
So you can aviode this bank and other bank gives you same service but may be other one charge less then HDFC bank.