Ive HDFC bank salary account. At the time of opening the account the representative told me to just sign over all the places marked. I asked him that I dont wish to have demat account and he assured me that you will not get any demat account until unless you verify it on call.
Same happened and I denied when I get call from hdfc bank. Now after 2 years of this matter, they have deducted 842.7 rupees as depository charges for demat account. When I asked about the same then the customer care executive, Neelam, told me that Ive demat account opened so ive to bear this deduction. I was repeating all the time that I did not opt for the same but cce told me that you have signed so we have opened.
When I requested her to please close my demat account she said sorry, I am unable to do so, as you have to visit to the branch to close your account.This way hdfc bank is torturing me to go to their branch, which is very far from my home, to get it close otherwise they will charge me without any transaction being done.
I suggest everyone to never ever opt for hdfc bank account as this is the worst banking solution Ive ever experienced.They come to you to open the account but they cant close your demat a/c on your request isnt it bull-shit. Pay for what youve never opt or visit to their branch for their n number of services which you dont wish to acquire.They are behaving like cheat-fund banking services. Please, for god sake, dont ever opt for hdfc as they will make you cry for your own money.
On this forum, I hope I will get my money back and make people aware of cheating done by hdfc bank.
Rajani Rani