Hello guys I am here to share my personal experience after 5 years.I am banking with HDFC bank for the past 5 years .phone banking is a really good and I have used the support function where in I have called up the phone banking of HDFC was able to reach there phone banking team and they helped me out very well. I have used there internet banking and telebanking both are very good pretty .The internet banking facility ensures that you have to go to the bank and just to withdraw cash.Every thing easy -cheking blance, Transfer money to another HDFC bank account, Paying bills and paying online shopping can be done quite easily.
There Service is pretty good after the plus after the meger the number of brances and ATM all over the country has
increased considerably.
There online securities services HDFC securities, credit cards and other services on which they are standing tall . there mutal found and insurance are growing at the fast place.
I think in a couple of 5 years time they will become the number one bank in terms of customer base and asset base, if they keep up the show. interest people please visit hdfcbank.com