I had many bitter experience with the bank of hdfc.They are stealing our money in different ways.I have current account from this fraud bank last 3 years.they have different packages schemes in opening a current account which is maintenance quartely balance 10, 000, 20, 000, and30, 000 and else more. In my account is quarterly maintenance of 10, 000.In the month b/w may to august I had good transaction about 5 to 10 lakh in a month.One day looking my account statement really I was shocking my money was trapping from my account, many with drawls around 7000rs without my knowledge.then I asked banking personnel then only they said you are under 10, 000rs package. In this package if you are depositing more than 2 lakhs in a month means and thereafter every transaction while in the counter we charging some percentages based on your deposit, then only I came to know these fool packages and schemes and all, before that no one explain me these cheating scheme and packages, since I was opening a account and while I depositing a money.You know one more miraculous wonder was happen, while I was depositing the bank, the teller request me to holding a money10 lakhs at-least a month because he gets some reward, I did, i hold., Even that good heart also wont anything about my account, finally I losing my hard earned money nearly 10, 000 no one response.
Beware all business people, working employees, and all, i will tell you we cant always seen our account without blinking eyes, that even they are cheating, they are gangsters, cheaters, theives, but only thing they are wearing decent formals with tie, professional cheaters dont believe them.right now look your account they put as many hidden charges with smart names, .
Better go with nationalized bank now they also having facilities like private a banks but not cheating.
Please Think why should we losing our money for depositing., why should maintain 10, 000, 20, 000, 30, 000 for their business, they earned from our money via loans, credit cards, hidden charges, processing fees, cheatings and many ways.