Do not go for it. Im a young client. I never operated my own account. This is the first time I have come to this bank for a service. I take a DD form & stand in the queue for over half an hour. When I reach the counter, you tell me that a DD can only be made if I have an account with you. I protest asking him to tell me where is it written. The teller replies, It is understood sir. Well, prompt service that was. I think no bank is ready to teach a new client on how to go for effortless banking. HDFC tops the list. A minimum balance of 5000/- is what I tried maintaining but failed & ended up paying their lovely penalty every time. I later came to know that public banks such as SBI offer zero balance savings account (with ATM too! yippie!). They will also readily prepare your DD even if you dont have an account with their bank. At HDFC, (Indore, Trade House Br.) & Im sure all over, thered be just one lady sitting on the desk whos already ripping her hair with multiple enquiries dropping from all directions. The staff is inadequate...always! Obviously, I stood & witnessed a lot of people unhappy about the penalties they saw on their bank statement. About the young & happy to be working with HDFC staff. Theyre young for sure but equally naive as well as rude. With privatization, the training they have got only helps them differentiate a client from a non-client. Age or anything doesnt matter to them. Theres no personal touch to the service. All that glitters is not gold. You may find it a bawdy or illegitimate comment, but to me a lot of females in the office are recommended on the managers choice. Does the efficiency rests only with women, I doubt. Imperial blue, the alcohol brand in their latest billboard shows a queue standing in front of a woman in skirt whereas her colleague, a guy, sits with his head down. The hint is clear & open. Id still suggest a public bank over HDFC. With the way public banks are growing, Im sure there would not be much of a difference between the services theyre offering to their private counterparts.