We opened our Savings Accounts with HDFC Bank in Kanchipuram, as we were new to the place, PSU banks did not accept our proof of address even though it was OK, and we were tired of having to put up with poor service from PSU banks. We have already held accounts in CSB, SBI, Vijaya, KVB and ICICI. So we knew what to expect from them. We would have gone for either ICICI or HDFC, but the local branch of HDFC was far better than ICICI at the time of our account opening. HDFC Kanchipuram staff are very cordial to customers and I our case they personally visited us with all forms etc for account opening(bear in mind that we live in a village 15 kms from town). To put things in perspective, Ill tell you about my experience with SBI Kanchipuram. I went there before HDFC for account opening. I met an officer and told him I wanted account opening forms. He heard me and went back to work without any reply. I stood in an arbitrary queue at his table and after 20 mins, he nonchalantly asked me to come back the following week. Can you believe this? Given this backdrop, the personal attention from HDFC people made us feel like royalty. *For over 6 months now, *we have had no complaints in any respect whatsoever with respect to online as well as branch banking. DDs are a snap. Chequebooks arrive home in courier. If they dont know what we are asking, they politely inform that they dont know and will get the information from HO. No wrong info is given. First time we withdrew a huge amount from ATM, bank people called us to make sure it was us and not anyone else. Likewise, many other security features are available in SB account. Questions asked in online banking section also get replied promptly and correctly without any problem. We havent had to use phone banking so far. So I actually cannot vouch anything for it. Kindly ignore my above rating for phone banking only, as this review did not accept an unanswered option. I had to enter something in it. *Internet banking interface works well. Lots of safety features like unique picture and message for login, separate account for creating virtual credit cards, time gap between registration and sending money online to others etc are there. But the interface is slightly inferior compared to ICICIs. Also online topup for mobile has never worked for me with HDFC. I cannot digest this considering all the other things I require are provided to me and they work well, so I certainly have to give minus points here, considering I have done it more times than I can count with my ICICI online account. Added on 06/02/2011: - Recently our family savings group was separated by mistake( I applied for the separation of one member, they separated the entire family savings group) and consequently I had to incur a deduction of Rs. 827/- as charges for non-maintenance of average quarterly balance. This was because in our group only my account was having less than the required AQB. Also this was done very close to the end of that quarter, so that I could not deposit enough money to reach the required AQB. So I wrote to the branch manager explaining that there has been an error on their part and that the charges deducted may be returned to me. It took some time, but they understood what has happened and within a week they have reversed the charges. Also, I have recently tried the mobile topup in HDFC website. It works well now(kindly read above in my first half of the review that earlier it was not up to the mark) and topup messages show up almost instantaneously in my mobile.