Beware of the services this bank is offering. The bank has started charging around 400 Rs every month, instead of quarterly charging Rs.280 without any intimation, not at least in my brothers case. When finally my brother came to know this, he was already duped of Rs 1200approx. When he tried to inquire with the bank, the customer executive simply hung up the phone, saying she is putting him on hold.
This is how they justify and treat their customer, after deducting exorbitantly amounts for their pathetic service. I also had faced a similar problem with them Dial an EMI option, when they said their wont be any processing charges and low interest, but when I applied for the same, scene was entirely different. I was charged 400 odd for processing and interest charged was around 3%, whereas the promised rate was .99%. Though I made them to reverse back, after a constant followup for a month.