I opened an HDFC Banking account to experience HDFC and gradually diversify banking to contain risk. Their Branch manager forced preferred banking program to me which I declined. He kept on insisting and after he agreed to following conditions, I verbally accepted the program
No extra charges for program ever.
No minimum balance requirement.
Just after few quarters in program, my nightmare started and twice they billed me for the program and then they did all kind of tricks by shifting my relationship from branch to virtual and what not. It took one month of calls, emais and other interactions to get the charges waived. Nightmare continues;then they put minimum balance requirement also. When you need them they will never pick the call but they will keep on calling you for selling their products.
Do not opt for this program. Do not become their lead for selling products. Otherwise you will repent wasting so much time and energy for no returns whatsoever from HDFC bank