Well this happened some time ago, but it merits mention on this site.. Also most of the national newspapers and tv channels.. I was in Kanpur at that time, and was an HDFC customer with a savings account. In march 05 I started getting these call s from HDFC, that since I was a customer I was getting a free credit card. I told them I already had another bank’s card and please stop calling me every day. These calls kept coming almost daily for about a month. I would tell these people that I have already refused their card, and they would tell me that they will make a note of it, but the next day someone else would call. Then one I was sitting in my hospital( I am a doctor) and this fellow calls and repeats the same thing. I told him I had no acc. in the bank and to stop bothering me. He said that he had a list saying that I was a customer. And if he shouldn’t call me .. then who else would he call. This time I lost my temper and told him that HDFC should at least stop harrasing its own customers, And then he starting saying all kind of cuss words in the choicest hindi that a kanpuria could think of.. I hung up and went to the local branch. When the manager found out who had made the call, (from my incoming record), the guy simply refused that he had made any call to me. He had even deleted my call details. Well needless to say, I just shut the account then and there. But the HDFC people did not make even an apologetic call to me afterwards. All they did was to make some lame promises that this guy would be punished and please don’t shut the account. Why would a bank keep calling existing customers needlessly, repeatedly and not take any action against an employee who abused a customer like this is beyond me. But I am never associating with HDFC again.