HDFC Bank is a fraud bank and should be charged heavily by RBI. They are not following any RBI rules. For ex:
1) Maturity interest never matches with the promised interest on a Fixed deposit even after deducting TDS because they deduct TDS every quarter on un-matured FD which customer has not yet got.
2) Dont give interest on daily basis from 1st April as per new RBI rules
3) Charges unwanted TDS on Saving account and no account for the same. Also no proof.
4) HDFC managers are deaf, lazy and dumbo. Customer care is running with Mental asylum. They reply after 14-15 days for any query with a common response please visit HDFC branch to resolve your query. Then why are we having mail channel with HDFC
Relationship managers of HDFC Nasik make fake signatures in most of the document and get it passed without any notice of customer.
You never know one day you will be bankrupted in HDFC.
This bank should be audited closely, you will find that they earned all money from innocent customers by cheating and all best schemes of fraud