I have been holding an HDFC bank silver card for over 5 years. On december 2006 I have made a cheque payment which didnt appear on my jaunary statement, for which I have send a quirey. The customer care (quite a funny name - though they hardly care) contested my claims and reverted to me that the payment is not made, and asked me to submit the proof.
The very day I have send in my electronic bank statement via email. After the lapse of 2 weeks another person (this time an officer) reverted to me telling me that an electronic statement is not adequate and submit the original, for which they have send one executive to pick up from me. Again there was hardly any response from them for over a month. I again send in a communique, for which I have got a response from another person, this time an assistant manager, who told me that they have not got the statement and asked me to submit the same again. I have couriered the same within a day or two to the same person, who send me an acknowldegement of receipt over email.
Again no news...one more month past... and many mails later I am receiving the next bombshell... sorry the statement is not enough, they need an encashment certificate for my cheque. I again went to my bank - IDBI who had issued me an encashment certificate along with the a cheque copy (my banker told me that, HDFC will always come back and ask for the cheque).. I again send the encashment certificate along with the cheque copy to HDFC bank... the cycle of waiting for response continues... one fine morning I am receiving a communication from them.. to my surprise - encashment certificate is not enough, they need the cheque copy... they have not even shown the courtsey to check my previous communication before asking for... again I am seeing a courier boy in my doorstep and a call from customer service... loaded with sorries...
I had no other go but to give one more set of copy... the story continues... again after 15 days I made one more call... the service executive proudly told me, the issue is resolved and they have send me a letter.. via post... the snail mail consumed five more days... to my annoyance I am seeing again a letter from the executive - send us the copy of the cheque... I called the same executive and told him the story.. he told me to get back with a resolution in 48 hours... now after 4 days he decided to call...
This time I have not surprised.. the next demand was for a cheque acknowldegement certificate... ... it was the limit of my patience.. and I have lost all control and told him to take the cheque for the entire balance... and am donating the money as charity to HDFC bank...
its not the lost money that concerned me... it was the lack of absolute apathy towards customer service and the mediocre complaint handling mechanism of the bank... I have decided... its the last time I am having the services of the card... I have even decided to severe whatever relationship I had with bank with this traumatic experience...