I have been using HDFC Gold credit card for last 2 years and it was my first credit card and it has been a mixed experience… Some good and some bad. Since I have a salary account with them they had offered me a lifetime free card. When the card arrived with all the brochures it said I have to pay some Rs 800/- per anum as the card usage fees. When I called them up and said that since I am PRIVILIGED customer they said the charges would not be levied on me. But still after one year I received a bill asking me to pay 1600/- bucks as the card usage fees. When I called them at call centre they said sorry and debited that fees from my card(I use net to view my card billings). Later that was debited but still it has left a bad impression on me realizing that they do not have proper systems in place to ensure that such mistakes doesn’t happen.
Also when I received my first bill I was late paying my bill by just 1 day they levied 275/ as late fees in my next bill. When I called the girl at the other end was very rude but she again debited the money from bill WARNING me that I should pay my bills on time.
In all I would say it has been a mixed experience Some Good and Some Bad.