Want to get a credit card from this bank, get a camcorder or get the conditions written and signed by the person who promotes the card.really.
we took a bike loan, and were regularly paying our emi.so after a year they rang up and said since we were paying our dues regularly we were selected by their management to offer a hdfc bank silver credit card.we felt unless we use the card we would not fall into the trap of high interest.also we were excited when the guy said there would not be any opening fees.
things went fast, their people came, took necessary documents signatures and soon we had our card.a month later the bill came to our home saying that we were to pay 800 as opening fees, and the minimum dues was 200.we hadnkt picked the card from the cover and soon there is a due, hell to it.next month they said they would be paying our phone bills too when we didnt authorise them.we thought they would send this to all but only charge those customers who actually ask for it .no next month they said they have billed us for our last months phon ebilll .hell with them
we cancelled the card.