It is interesting to see that so many persons have had bad experiences with HDFCs cards. Maybe the situation varies in different cities.
I already had an account with HDFC Bank. No one pressurised me to take the card, though I just picked up a brochure at their branch.
I got a gold card with a fairly generous credit limit. There has been no fee charged although over a year has passed. There have been no unauthorised charges. I have used it for internet purchases from abroad without problem. They also sent the promised free gifts within a reasonable time.
Only complaint is that their points system and items available through point redemption are not worthwhile.
But I have no real complaint about their customer service. The payment can be made online if you have an internet banking account. On a couple of occasions this was not working, so I paid by cheque instead.
The moral of the story seems to be NOT to apply to anything which the DSAs try to foce on you.