HDFC refunded me all the surcharge...after I had written to them. There customer service helped, me....so I guess...alls well that ends well....... :-)
This mail is with regards to my credit card bill for the month of September. I had purchased Petorl on 02/09/2007 for Rs. 1205.59, but in the bill it reflects as Rs 1, 235.73(1205.59+2.5%). My card is a HDFC platinum card and as per the cards facility it is suppose to be 0% petrol surcharge. Even then you charged me the surcharge. I called up your customer care and then said they are sorry and that I happened by mistake and they wont do it again and they would refund it in the next statement. The ticket issue for this is 07247049713. I had never checked my petrol charge prior to this. I assumed it was 0%. But now I guess its not, for the past few months you have been charging me 2.5%, with me under the impression that its 0% fuel charge. This is a breach of terms and condition and the fact that you wont refund me the amount for my prior months fule surcharge, because I dont have the charge slip and hence I dont know the exact amount is really unprofessional and an act of absymal service.
This is a case of fraud and breach of customers turst, you cannot make mistakes with customers money and if you do you should take resposibllity not blame it on the customer. I trusted that your card would have 0% surcharge and you keep on making money out of my turst. I cannot go to any consumer court, because I dont have the charge slip for the previous month, but I will post this mail in whatever online consumer forum I can( mouthshut.com), so that atleat people are aware of the kind of kind of operations you have and how you cheat your customer and later put the blame on them. Debajyoti Mahanta