HDFC credit card smart pay is the worst experience I ever had. I applied for HDFC smart pay for LIC premium payments. the bank payed wrong LIC premium payments at wrong time even after the payment grace period has expired. I applied for smart pay in and my wifes LIC premium payments of Rs 8131 & Rs. 7703 were due in september & october with one month grace period ending on 30-10-2005 & 10-11-2005. bank helpline called in october and told me to pay above mentioned payments manully to LIC and gave reson that smart pay facility havent stated yet. I paid the said amount. to my surprise my december HDFC silver card statement showed two payments of LIC premium amounting Rs 8240 & Rs 7806 paid by HDFC bank on 06-12-2005 & 12-12-2005. these were made against the same september and october due LIC premium which I had already paid.when I then called the HDFC credit card help line, they said they made theses payments against the request they received from LIC.
this is rediculous & this is the state of banks working. both payments are of wrong amount and paid after grace period. when I called the LIC chandigarh office they confirmed that havent received any such payments. since then I have a mailed number of times the copy of receipts of LIC payments I had paid to HDFC credit card division chennai and dropped the hard copy of same in nearest HDFC branch. till this date (14-02-2006)i havent received any confirmation about the adjustment of above mentioned payments.
if the bank do not respond in next few days I dont have any other option except to move to court.