I have been using this card(HDFC gold master card) for over 2yrs now. I have over 5000 points too. Apart from this card, I do hold an ICICI credit card.
First, I think we shud understand that every card has its own+ and -. In case of this card, say for a person holding Flying returns membership, can redeem his credit card points for air miles(1point= 1mile). Good to get free tickets(at least within india).
Secondly, this is one card, which has "never" given me a problem while I used it online. I use it to pay for movie tickets, my cell phone bills(hutch), buy stuff on the net and never did I face a problem. Whereas ICICI card, gave me problem 3 out of 4 times. Once the transaction went through but for some reason, the response did not come from the bank server so I had made the payment again and again and finally ended up using my HDFC card. When the monthly st. for ICICI came, it came with 2 transactions as successful. I had to call up hutch and follow up with the transaction details from ICICI to get the amount reflected in my hutch account. Second and third time, a similar thing happened when I was paying for an airline ticket thru ICICI credit card. The payment didnt go through at all. I ended up paying with the other card. Recently when I tried to get an application online, the ICICI card didnt work.
Then, I do get calls from the bank call center if I make a purchase of say over 10K on my card. I get the call within 10min of making the payment to authorise the payment. This is something which I like with HDFC gold master card.
If the statement amount is big for a particular month, then I do get the statement couriered to my house.
In short, I think one has to keep in mind what his/her use for the card is and then go for it. Eg. if you are going to make online payments, HDFC is better. ICICI servers are pathetic for online transactions.
In one of the reviews I read that surcharge on purchase of fuel is not given. I never had a problem coz it mostly gets credited back to my card the following month. If you are loooking at having it credited the same month in the same st. its a problem.
In the same review, about "My City" card I will have to contradict. I was offered this card FREE of COST. I didnt pay a penny for it. Not sure why some were charged for it. Secondly, some mistake the 5 reward points to be standard if they use it in any place. This is wrong because, the card clearly stated that its applicable only on "select" stores and not at all places. Select stores mean stores like westside, life style, etc. depending on ur city. Details were clearly mentioned in the booklet which came along with the card.
The one thing even I didnt like about Redeemption is that they charge a small amount for shipping / handling. Though the site clearly states that they will deduct Rs. XX from your account towards shipping/handling charges this is not good coz other banks like ICICI does not charge for the same. I got a readers digest subscription and I was not charged for it.
Personally, I guess we should read the Terms and conditions before going for ANY card.
Now coming to the actual cons of this card.
If you have 100% auto debit instructions given, then till the due date, your acct. will not be debited. Which means, if you have used up most of your credit amount, you will not be able to use it without giving a manual cheque or paying it online manually.
The statements will not come to our house on time. Until and unless the amount is big. If it is big like say 40K, the st. gets couriered to our house.:-) I got it via courier.
We cannot use the points in lifestyle stores like westside directly ie. 1reward point= Re.1. Citibank and Diners cards allow this. Instead of going for rewards items. we can go to a shop and get whatever we want for the points we have.