Review : Well, HDFC Bank Credit Cards business model seems to have been weaved around cheating and nothing else. The DSAs selling and recommending this card on phone promise you a world of for life and what not. And then the person who came to collect the form told thats its free only for one year. Ok, no problem with that either. After a week I received a call from bank confirming my application for card and then I was told that the card wont be free. I immediately said please tear my application form and throw in a dustbin. Still I got the card and as expected a bill of annual fees a month later. After a few months I got another call saying the annual fees have been waived as a special case - a big THANKYOU. I dont know whats happening at all. Then the next statement tells me that my house and myself have been insured for some unknown cover. and the story continues. Another card, from this bank again, no statements - only the first statement that carried the annual fees reached me in time (my cousin received his annual fees statement even before he received the card). After that every month I had to call them to know the amount due and the due date. And a reminder to send the statements in time. But all I got was a duplicate copy of the first statement only. By now I have 4-5 copies of the first statement. One year over and I decide to get rid of this menace. But before I could speak my mind, the renewal fees are already deducted from my hdfc bank savings account. Even when I never authorized the bank for a direct debit. The call center agent says you must have ticked the option on the form or else the person collecting the form might have ticked it. Thats great.... I am still fighting to get my money back. The bank branch (Sector 14, Gurgaon) that holds my accounts shrugs the responsibility off its shoulders by directing me to the credit card people. The branch manager is more than happy to tell me what he dreamt last night - RBI has come up with a circular that authorizes banks to directly recover credit card dues from the savings account of customers even if they have not authorized the bank. On being asked to produce a copy of the revolutionary can guess the reply... My advice to all - stay clear of this fraudulent business house. HDFC Bank is seriously getting rotten by the day. Their staff and call centre people will tell you everything but solve your problem. Seems that success has gone to their heads. May God help them.