Imagine a day when a typical corporate person/business man going on a trip with out a credit card in your wallet, or having a dinner in a expensive resturant or an online purchase with out a credit card.while many describe a credit card a necessary evil I would like to name it a friend in need I cant deal with out. Now of so many players providing credit cards in the market my favorite is HDFC next to the one provided by Indus Ind bank. Reasons, To name a few apart from the regular credit limit & credit period It has got a lager chain of branch network so getting personalized service is easy It has got Phone banking service Net banking is awesome Its mobile banking app is quite friendly one so viewing bill or on line payment comes very handy It is listed on major e-commerce sites so very useful in getting things on EMI from Flip kart/amazon or snap deal on higher usage they waive off annual charges petrol surcharge waiver/cash back /gifts services like dial an EMI/card up gradation on request /friendly customer care/reedeem your points Different need based credit cards for variety of customers